That's how we do it at Wilskracht!
- We accept each other as we are
- We listen to each other and respond to each other in the most positive way possible
- We do not bully each other
- If you notice that someone is bullying or being bullied, go to your teacher immediately.
- Stop is stop, no is no, private is private
- You can go to your teacher if you have a question or a concern
- Absence can be reported via our app.
- Unsubscribe When you want to stop doing gymnastics, you can only do so via the website, so do not (only) tell the teacher.
- Our association is run by volunteers. See what you can do for the club. Many hands make light work!
Rules for parents during the classes
- During the lessons, it is preferable that there are only few parents in the room, preferably no more than five. Of course it is nice if you come and watch now and then!
- When the teacher tells the children to be quiet, the parents are quiet too.
- If the children have to be quiet because of the teacher, the parents will be quiet tooWould you like to talk to the teacher or do you have questions? Come along after the last lesson of the teacher on that day, or email. Ga niet tijdens de les met een lesgever/assistent overleggen
- Phoning is not allowed in the hall, phones are on silent.
- No eating allowed in the hall
- No (outdoor) shoes may be worn in the hall
- Preferably no brothers or sisters in the hall, this usually gets too restless
- Dogs and other pets are not allowed in the gymnasium
- Parents are not welcome in the changing rooms
Rules for children during lessons
- If the lesson has not started yet, children are not allowed on the equipment, they wait on a bench at the side.
- Wearing jewellery in class is forbidden because it is dangerous
- Long hair should be tied in a ponytail or braid(s). Don't forget to bring your hair elastic! If you borrow a rubber band from us, please put it back after the lesson
- No friends can join the class
- Eating and drinking (except water) in the gym is not allowed
- During the lesson, children can have water or go to the toilet. However, they must report this to the teacher.